St. Albert Centre

St. Albert Centre is a proud member of the Primaris group of properties, a partnership of vibrant community hubs providing signature retail experiences across Canada.

Administration open Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm

MALL SECURITY 587 983-9421


375 St. Albert Trail, St. Albert, AB T8N 3K8

Say Hi

Guest Services

(780) 460-2101

Open from Monday - Friday,
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Nolen Hughes

Revenue Administrator

[email protected]

(780) 458-2195

Jillian Creech

General Manager

[email protected]
(780) 458-7883

Darren Wasylycia

Operations Manager

[email protected]
(780) 458-7885

Leanne Scott

Manager, Design and Construction

[email protected]
(403) 984-1934

Leasing Inquiries

Nico Scarcello

Leasing Manager

[email protected]

(403) 984-1926